UD Game Tech
Undamned InfiniKey-CPS1-S by UD Game Tech
Undamned & UD Game Tech is a name that's earned respect through the arcade and fighting game communities with his highly prized consolized CPS2 systems and USB decoders. The old school tournament scene wouldn't be what it is today without them.
The InfiniKey-CPS1 is no different. It's a perfect solution to restore the encryption key stored in some Capcom C-Boards which use a battery and "B-21" chip (90630C-4, 90631C-5, 92641C-1).
Compatible Games:
*Capcom World 2
Captain Commando
King of Dragons
Knights of the Round
Quiz & Dragons
Wonder 3 / Three Wonders
*Plastic cases are too small for InfiniKey CPS1
1. Check EPROM label and set switches
2. Remove C-Board, remove battery
3. Combine InfiniKey & C-Board
4. Combine InfiniKey & C-Board with B-Board
Extended Features