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The I-PAC (Interface for Pc to Arcade Controls) is a board which allows connection of arcade controls such as buttons and joysticks to a keyboard port or USB port on a PC motherboard. It was designed around the MAME emulator which supports over 1000 arcade games and can be used with other emulators.
It is designed to be used inside an Arcade Games cabinet with the PC motherboard also mounted inside, but could just as easily be used with simply a control panel without a cabinet.
Special shift function buttons mean that a normal keyboard is only be needed for game loading and configuration, not for gameplay. All key codes can be programmed but you dont have to as you can use the built-in default configuration which has all standard MAME codes for quick and easy installation. Programmed keys codes are stored even after power off.
The I-PAC2 has 32 inputs. They are all programmable and are designated as 2 joysticks, 8 buttons each, plus coin1, coin2, start1, start2 and Mame control keys. One of the inputs is assigned as a shift key to access an alternate code set.
Keycode Table
COIN 1 | 5 | |
COIN 2 | 6 | |
START 1 | 1 | |
START 2 | 2 | ESC |
1 RIGHT | R arrow | Tab |
1 LEFT | L arrow | Enter |
1 UP | U arrow | Key Below ESC (Volume, gamma, etc ) |
1 DOWN | D arrow | P (pause) |
1 SW 1 | L-ctrl | 5 (Coin A) |
1 SW 2 | L-alt | |
1 SW 3 | space | |