Wingman NS
Check when you receive your product for the latest updates here: Firmware Update
Check this list for the compatible product you are using
For compatibility of your fight stick, control pad or driving wheel, go to and go to the appropriate converter of your choice and CLICK on MORE. Scroll down to the bottom to check to see if your product is compatible with the converter to prevent returns / exchanges and headaches
Brook converters are here. These can be used with control pads, arcade fight sticks and steering wheels. These do not have the 8 minute time out feature (firmware updates may be required as the PS4 is updated over time) on PS4 and do not need an original control pad or PS4 device to authenticate.
This device can be updated via firmware thru Brook's website when required.
Brook released a firmware update to fix the 8-minute timeout due to Sony's latest update on their system. Go to this link to perform the update (make sure to download the correct file for the converter you are using).
You can download the file here (just make sure to choose the correct download file for your product):
Quick Link: